Visual Storytelling

The design of your data visualization can influence the story that you tell. You can leverage how humans perceive information and use it to clearly convey your message. Data visualization is a powerful tool that requires responsibility and an attention to ethics. When creating a visualization it’s important to consider questions such as: Who is the visualization created for? How is it represented? Who stands to benefit from it?

The videos below teach you how to utilize color, size, shape, and data labeling to make your message clear. The additional resources introduce the ethics of data storytelling and teach best practices for using a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) lens to create visuals. 

Visual Story Telling Techniques

Use Preattentive

Visual Cues

Rethink Data


COVID Visualizations Over Time 


Learn More


Data Feminism

In this book, the authors examine power in data science and ethics through an intersectional feminism lens.

Do No Harm Guide: Applying Equity Awareness in Data Visualization 

This is a comprehensive guide that outlines how to apply a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) lens to the creation of products for communication.

Our World in Data 

This is a website that shares impressive, accessible data visualizations of big problems facing the world.