Prepare for Any Talk

Explore some key considerations to deliver an authentic talk. 


In this video, Ankur Pandya, PhD, an Associate Professor of Health Decision Science at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, guides you through some key considerations for giving talks in research settings and beyond. 


How to Use this Resource

We believe that being prepared, following a structure, considering your audience, telling a story, and knowing your topic are key aspects of an authentic delivery. In this resource, we provide guides to support you in each of these areas. Prepare for Any Talk can support you in  assessing, preparing, and delivering your talk. You can use this resource at any stage, in any order, and as many times as you wish. Select the pages provided to explore the guides.

Be Prepared 

The things that you can do to prepare for and practice a talk


Follow a Structure

The organization and framing of your talk


Consider Your Audience

The importance of forming a  mutual exchange between
you and your audience


Tell A Story

The power of stories in science communication


Know Your Topic

The 'how' and 'why' of knowing your topic